Social Forestry and Forest Governance (SFFG)
As one of the academic units of the College, the Department of Social Forestry and Forest Governance has instituted courses in social forestry which are now integrated in the Bachelor of Science in Forestry (BSF) and the Certificate in Forestry curricula. It also offers social forestry as an area of specialization in the BSF program as well as two masteral programs (Master of Science in Forestry and Master of Forestry) to promote research and to develop professional leadership along this field.

Rose Jane J. Peras
Associate Professor
Social Forestry and Forest Governance
Department Chair
Forest Resource Management
E-mail: rjperas@up.edu.ph
Tel. No. +6349-536-3493

Camacho, Leni D.
Rural Development Planning | Socio-Economics | Environmental Economics

Gevaña, Dixon T.
Assistant Professor
Sustainability Science | Coastal Community Studies

Del Rosario, Peter Jerome B.
Forestry Extension | Development Communication | Social Forestry

Grefalda, Liezl B.
Assistant Professor
Social Forestry and Forest Governance

Gata, Ma. Larissa Lelu P.
Assistant Professor
Sociology | Social Forestry | Environmental, Race, and Ethnic Studies

Malabayabas, Felisa L.
Assistant Professor
Extension Education | Development Communication | Social Forestry

Mendoza, Marlo D.
Assistant Professor
Forestry | Project Development and Monitoring | Forest Governance

Peralta, Eleno O.
Assistant Professor
Environmental Forestry Laws and Policies

Peras, Rose Jane J.
Associate Professor
Social Forestry and Forest Governance

Pulhin, Juan M.
Human Geography | Climate Change Social Forestry

Rebugio, Lucrecio L.
Professor Emeritus
Social Forestry | Organizational/Institutional Development | Educational Economics | Community Development

Sabino, Lorena L.
Assistant Professor
Environmental Science | Climate Change
Community Development

Tapia, Maricel A.
Assistant Professor
Social Forestry | Environmental Science

Maligalig, Lowelito D.
Administrative Aide
Courses Offered
FOR 1. General Forestry (3). Forests, forestry and the socio-biophysical system; forest management concepts and principles; role of forestry in sustainable development and conservation of renewable natural resources. 3 hrs (class. (1,2)
FOR 110. Introduction to Protected Area Management (3). Principles and practices in the management of protected areas. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. FRM 100 and FBS 21. (2)
FOR 195. Research Methods in Forestry and Natural Resources (3). Methods and approaches in conducting researches in forestry and natural resources including proposal preparation and communicating results. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. STAT 1. (1,2)
FOR 200. Undergraduate Thesis (6). (1,2,S)
FOR 200a. Practicum (6). (1,2,S)
Social Forestry and Forest Governance
SFFG 20. Communication Skills for Forestry Technicians (3). Introduction to the basic skills and tools in communication to promote participatory forestry development. 3 hrs (class). (1)
SFFG 80. Forest Community Development (2). Theories, concepts, strategies and tools for the development of forest communities. 2 hrs (class). PR. SFFG 20. (2)
SFFG 80.1. Forest Community Development Laboratory (3). Application of theories, concepts, strategies and tools for the development of forest communities. 9 hrs (field). PR. SFFG 80. (S)
SFFG 101. Principles and Concepts of Social Forestry (3). Rationale for and approaches in Social Forestry and its application for local community development. 3 hrs (class). PR. FOR 1 or COI. (1,2)
SFFG 111. Forest Conservation (3). Approaches to forest conservation; socio-cultural economic factors affecting it. 3 hrs (class). (1,2)
SFFG 112. Program Planning (3). Formulation of programs of public forestry education for the use of extension agents and adult education workers. 3 hrs (class). PR. COI. (1,S)
SFFG 113. Forestry Extension (3). Theories and practices in extension education as applied to forestry: analysis of forestry extension programs in the Philippines. 3 hrs (class). PR. COI. (1,2)
SFFG 120. Environmental and Natural Resource Worldviews (3). Introduction to the philosophical dimensions of human-habitat relationships; Western, Oriental, and indigenous Filipino worldviews about the environment and forests; and political-economic dimensions of environmentalism within the realities of Philippine society. 3 hrs (class). PR. SFFG 101 or COI. (1,2)
SFFG 123. Forest Policy and Institutions (3). Study of policies and institutions involved in forest management and development in the Philippines. 3 hrs (class). PR. COI. (1,2)
SFFG 125. Political Economy and Administration of Forestry Development (3). Philosophy, concepts, theories, processes, and ethics; policies and institutions involved in the interactions between the state and forestry development. 3 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. ECON 11 and SFFG 101 or COI. (1,2)
SFFG 133. Socio-Economics of Agroforestry (3). Socio-economic principles underlying the management of agro-forestry establishments. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. SFFG 101 and ECON 11. (1)
SFFG 141. Formal Organizations in Social Forestry (3). Formal forestry organizations implementing social forestry programs in the Philippines and in other tropical countries; approaches to organizational design and change, its application to social forestry. 3 hrs (class). PR. COI. (1)
SFFG 149. Gender Analysis and Planning (3). Gender analysis and planning methods; implications for national development with emphasis on agriculture, forestry and natural resources. 3 hrs (class). PR. SFFG 101 or COI. (1,2)
SFFG 150. Production and Conservation Technologies in Social Forestry (3). Concept; identification, characterization, applicability, analysis and practical evaluation of appropriate production and conservation technologies in social forestry. 3 hrs (class). PR. SFFG 101 or COI. (1,2)
SFFG 151 (or FPPS 152). Forest-Based Rural Industries (3). Nature, type, characteristics of forestry resource-based rural industries; role in promoting social forestry; strategies to promote their development. 3 hrs (class). PR. FRM 117 or COI. (2)
SFFG 152. Sociology of Natural Resources (3). Relationship between social structure and natural resources; application of sociological theories and findings to problems of natural resource development. 3 hrs (class). PR. COI. (1,2)
SFFG 155. Social Equity Issues in Social Forestry (3). Social equity issues in forestry with emphasis on social structure, land tenure, and gender. 3 hrs (class). PR. SFFG 152 or COI. (2)
SFFG 163. Anthropological Concepts for Social Forestry (3). Application of anthropological concepts to an understanding of ethnic groups in relation to forestry. 3 hrs (class). PR. SFFG 101 or COI. (1,S)
SFFG 182. Rural Institutions for Forestry and Natural Resource Development (3). Concepts and processes of institution building in forest communities with emphasis on the dynamic role of institutions in participatory forest and natural resources management. 3 hrs (class). PR. SFFG 101 or COI. (1,2)
SFFG 190. Special Problems (1-3). May be taken twice provided that total number of units to be credited to the student’s program will not exceed 4 units. 3 hrs (class). PR. ENG 10 or COI. (1,2,S)
SFFG 197. Anthropological Research Methods in Forestry and other Natural Resources Development (3). Anthropological research methods and techniques relevant to the concerns of forestry and other natural resources development, with special emphasis on the study of culture-environment interactions. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. SFFG 163 or COI. (2)
To request more information:
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Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm
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