Bachelor of Science in Forestry Curriculum
(Effective First Semester, 2012-2013)
First Semester Units Second Semester Units
BOT 1 (Introduction to Plant Science) 3 CHEM 15 (Fundamentals of Chemistry) 3
FOR 1 (General Forestry) 3 CHEM 15.1 (Fund. of Chemistry Lab) 2
ENG 1 AH (College English) 3 ENG 2 AH (College Writing in English) 3
MATH 11 (College Algebra) 3 FBS 21 (Taxonomy of Forest Plants) 4
SOSC 1 SSP (Foundation of Behavioral Sciences) 3 MATH 14 (Plane Trigonometry) 3
ZOO 1 (General Zoology) 3 SFFG 101 (Principles & Concepts of Social Forestry) 3
P.E. 1 (2) P.E. 2/3 (2)
18 18
First Semester Units Second Semester Units
ECON 11 (General Economics) 3 FBS 36 (Fundamentals of Forest Ecology) 3
FBS 31 (Plant Physiology) 3 FRM 92 (Forest Engineering) 2
FPPS 11 (Wood Structure & Identification) 3 FRM 117 (Forestry Economics) 3
GE (Arts & Humanities) 3 GE (Mathematics, Science and Technology) 4
GE (Mathematics, Science & Technology) 3 GE (Social Sciences & Philosophy) 3
GE (Social Sciences & Philosophy) 3 STAT 1 (Elementary Statistics) 3
SFI 100 (Geology and Forest Soils) 3 NSTP 21 (3)
NSTP 11 (3) P.E. 2/3 (2) P.E. 2/3 (2) 18
First Semester Units Second Semester Units
GE (Arts & Humanities) 3 FBS 45 (Forest Insect Pests & Diseases) 4
GE (Arts & Humanities) 3 FBS 101 (Forest Biodiversity) 3
GE (SSP) PI 10 (The Life & Works of Rizal) 3 FRM 153 (Watershed Management) 3
FRM 61 (Forest Biometry) 3 FOR 195 (Research Methods in Forestry and
FRM 104 (Intro to GIS) 3 Natural Resources) 3
SFFG 123 (Forest Policies and Institutions) 3 SFI 121 (Silviculture 2) 3
SFI 120 (Silviculture 1) 3 Specialized Course 3
21 19
Thesis (FOR 200) / Practicum (FOR 200a) 6
First Semester Units Second Semester Units
FRM 171 (Forestry Business Management) 3 FPPS 128 (Non-Timber Forest Products) 3
FPPS 127 (Properties & Utilization of Forest Products) 3 FRM 184 (Integrated Forest Resource
GE (Social Sciences & Philosophy) 3 Management 3
SFFG 113 (Forestry Extension) 3 GE (Mathematics, Science & Technology) 3
SFFG 125 (Political Economy & Administration of SFFG 152 (Sociology of Natural Resources) 3 Forestry Development) 3 Specialized Course 3
Specialized Course 3 Specialized Course 3
21 18
Total Number of Units ………………. 157
1All students are required to undergo the National Service Training Program (NSTP, 6 units) as a requirement for graduation.
*A 3-unit GE course (in any domain) on Philippine Studies, to be chosen by the student, is required in the curriculum.