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The Agricultural and Rural Development Scholarship (ARDS) Program are inviting old freshmen that pass the following qualifications:
Under PD80/FD/FDS ST bracket;
Have at least 2.5 GWA during the 1st Semester of AY 2016-2017; and
From an agricultural/rural community
The scholarship provides for the following benefits:
Monthly living subsidy - P2,700
Book allowance - P1,000
Thesis allowance - P2,500
Transportation allowance
Medical allowance
Students may visit the ARDS office at the Student Union Building or send us an e-mail at or contact
Mr. Lawrence Gill D. Salgado, University Research Associate and ARDS Coordinator, at 536-2761.
The ARDS will be accepting applications until 17 February 2017.
PTFCF Thesis Grant
PTFCF Practicum Grant
UPLB Gender Center Thesis Grant
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