Office of the Dean
Ground Floor Administration Building
College of Forestry and Natural Resources
University of the Philippines Los Baños
College, Los Baños, Laguna 4031
+6349 - 536 - 3996 Phone
+6349 - 536 - 3206 Telefax
Driving Directions
From the UPLB Gate, turn right to Jose R. Velasco Avenue. Upon reaching the Sacay Grand Villas, turn left to Domingo M. Lantican Avenue and go past the bridge. Bear right (uphill) and go past the University Health Service facility and the Forest Products Research and Development Institute building all the way through the Makiling Botanic Gardens. At the end of the road, turn left to Martin R. Reyes Avenue and on your right will be the Florencio Tamesis Hall (CFNR Administration building). You have reached your destination.