Forest Products and Paper Science (FPPS)
FPPS envisions modern, globally competitive and productive forest-based and pulp and paper industries that depend upon a sustainable supply of wood and other biomass. These industries will manufacture high value, quality forest products to make the Filipino people more self-sufficient in housing, construction materials and paper using efficient and environmentally-sound processing technologies. These will enable the industries to contribute to the conservation of forest resources and improve socio-economic well-being of people and communities. For more info, please visit the FPPS website.

Ailene A. Jara, PhD
Wood Physics/Mechanical Technology of Forest Products
Department Chair
Forestry/Wood Science Technology
E-mail: aajara@up.edu.ph
Tel. No. +6349-536-3432

Abasolo, Willie P.
Wood and Fiber Anatomy/Wood and
Bio-based Technology

Acda, Menandro N.
Forest Product Protection/Bio-based Composites

Devera, Edgar
Assistant Professor
Wood Construction and Economics

Grande, Jeanette O.
Pulp and Paper Technology

Jara, Ailene A.
Assistant Professor
Wood Physics/Mechanical Technology of Forest Products

Manalo, Ronniel D.
Assistant Professor
Bio-functional Materials

Mendoza, Rosalie C.
Assistant Professor
Wood and Fiber Anatomy/Wood and
Bio-based Technology

Razal, Ramon A.
Wood Chemistry/Chemical Technology of Forest Products and Non-Timber Forest Products

Torres, Alfie M.
Assistant Professor
Sustainability Science in Forest Product Utilization

Eusebio, Ronald B.
Administrative Aide

Obias, June Romeo
Laboratory Technician

Gonzales, Victor G.
Administrative Aide

Orozco, Juanito L.
Administrative Aide

Malinao, Justina T.
Administrative Assistant

Romano, Arlene D.
Laboratory Technician

Serrano, Conrado L.
Administrative Aide
Courses Offered
Forest Products and Paper Science
FPPS 11. Wood Structure and Identification (3). Gross and microscopic structure of wood; wood identification, natural defects and variations in structure. 7 hrs (1 class, 6 lab). PR. BOT 1. (1,2)
FPPS 42. Forest Products Utilization 1 (3). Log and lumber grading; lumber manufacture; utilization of non-timber forest products; seasoning and preservation of wood and non-timber products. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. FPPS 11. (1,2)
FPPS 43. Forest Products Utilization 2 (3). Veneer and plywood; pulp and paper; wood composition boards; and wood derivatives and other chemicals from wood and forest plants. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. FPPS 11. (1,2)
FPPS 111. Wood and Fiber Anatomy (3). Microscopic identification, variability and anatomical characteristics of wood and paper-making fibers. Wood and non-wood structure in relation to defects, properties and uses. 7 hrs (1 class, 6 lab). PR. BOT 1 or BIO 1. (1)
FPPS 112. Bark Structure and Properties (3). Structure and development, properties and uses of the barks of woody plants. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. COI. (1)
FPPS 119 (or FRM 119). Marketing of Forest Products (3). Forest products marketing, the structure of forest products market, output and pricing policies and strategic trends. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. ECON 11.
FPPS 121. Wood Physics 1 (3). Physical structure and properties of wood in relation to moisture heat, sound, and electricity. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. PHYS 3. (1)
FPPS 124. Timber Mechanics (3). Elements of strength of materials; mechanical properties of wood. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. MATH 28 and ENSC 11a. (2)
FPPS 125. Wooden Structures (3). Analysis and design of trusses, bridges and frames; bending, compression and tension members with emphasis on wood materials; timber fastenings. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. FPPS 124. (1)
FPPS 127. Properties and Utilization of Forest Products (3). Physical, mechanical and chemical properties of wood products; manufacturing processes and sustainable utilization technologies for wood products. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. CHEM 15 and FPPS 11. (1,2)
FPPS 128. Non-Timber Forest Products (3). Properties, processing and utilization of non-timber forest products. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. FBS 21 and FPPS 127. (1,2)
FPPS 131. Wood Chemistry 1 (3). Chemistry of wood; pulping and paper-making principles; cellulose-derived products. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. CHEM 40. (1)
FPPS 132. Pulp and Paper Technology (3). Chemical and technological aspects of the manufacture of mechanical and chemical pulps, paper and paper products. 3 hrs (class). PR. COI. (2)
FPPS 132.1 Pulp and Paper Laboratory (2). Laboratory experiments on the pulping wood; fiber technology, physical and chemical characteristics of pulp and paper. 6 hrs (lab) PR. FPPS 132 or COI. (2)
FPPS 134. Wood Finishing (3). Modern industrial methods and techniques in finishing wood products. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. COI. (1)
FPPS 136. Chemical Properties and Processing of Forest Products (3). Chemical and technological aspect of the manufacture of pulp, paper, paperboard and fiber products and other cellulose-derived products; chemical processing of extractives and other forest products. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. CHEM 40. (1,2)
FPPS 139. Fundamentals of Wet-End Chemistry in Paper Making (3). The paper making fiber and its behavior during paper making; theories and principles of paper chemistry; additives used in paper making. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. FPPS 132. (1)
FPPS 140. Environmental Pollution in Forest Industries (3). Causes and control of pollution associated with the primary wood processing industries. 3 hrs (class). PR. COI. (2)
FPPS 141. Lumber Manufacture and Grading (3). Sawmills, sawmilling practices and techniques; log and lumber grading. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. FPPS 11. (1,2,S)
FPPS 144. Machining of Forest Products (3). Analysis of wood-cutting processes, operation adjustment, and maintenance of machineries for wood working processing of bamboos, rattan and other related materials. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. COI. (2)
FPPS 151. Seasoning of Wood and Related Products (3). Theory and practice of kiln drying and other methods of seasoning wood and related products. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. PHYS 1 or PHYS 3. (2)
FPPS 152 (or SFFG 151). Forest-Based Rural Industries (3). Nature, type, characteristics of forest resource-based rural industries; role in promoting social forestry; strategies to promote their development. 3 hrs (class) PR. FRM 117 or COI. (2)
FPPS 161. Preservation of Wood and Related Products (3). Common factors causing the destruction and decay of wood and related products; methods or preservation and control; fire proofing, and the economic aspects of preservation of wood and related products. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. COI. (2)
FPPS 171. Adhesives and Gluing (3). Theory of adhesion and cohesion. Glues and synthetic resin adhesives. Principles in cold pressing, hot pressing, radio frequency heating, lamination and modified woods. Gluing defects and their causes. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. CHEM 40. (1)
FPPS 172. Glued Wood Products Technology (3). Manufacture of veneer, plywood, laminated wood and related products, principles of glued wood construction, properties, characteristics, and uses of glued products. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. COI. (2)
FPPS 181. Quality Control (3). Principles of statistical quality control and organization of quality control programs in the manufacture of wood products. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. STAT 1. (1,2)
FPPS 182. Production Planning and Control (3). Planning of production requirements, routing, scheduling, dispatching and inspection coordination; control of materials, methods, machines, tooling and operation times. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. COI. (2)
FPPS 183. Engineering Economic Analysis (3). Economics of engineering decisions. Depreciation and cost estimating, analysis of existing and proposed plans, including materials, products design, and machine selection and replacement. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 comp). PR. COI. (1,2)
FPPS 190. Special Problems (1-3). Open only to students who are candidates for graduation. 6 hrs (lab). May be taken twice provided that total number of units to be credited to the student’s program will not exceed 4 units. PR. COI. (1,2)
FPPS 191. Special Topics (1-3). May be taken twice provided that total number of units to be credited to the student’s program will not exceed 4 units. (1,2)
FPPS 199. Undergraduate Seminar (1). May be taken twice. (1,2)
FOR 1. General Forestry (3). Forests, forestry and the socio-biophysical system; forest management concepts and principles; role of forestry in sustainable development and conservation of renewable natural resources. 3 hrs (class. (1,2)
FOR 195. Research Methods in Forestry and Natural Resources (3). Methods and approaches in conducting researches in forestry and natural resources including proposal preparation and communicating results. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 lab). PR. STAT 1. (1,2)
FOR 200. Undergraduate Thesis (6). (1,2,S)
FOR 200a. Practicum (6). (1,2,S)
Pulp and Paper Technology
PPT 170. Instrumentation and Process Control for the Pulp and Paper Industry (3). Principles and methods of control system analysis and design as applied to the pulp and paper industry. 3 hrs (class). PR. EE 1, ENSC 21 and FPPS 132. (1)
PPT 188. Environmental Technology for the Pulp and Paper Industry (3). Causes and control of pollution associated with the pulp and paper industry and methods for effluent treatment. 3 hrs (class). PR. FPPS 132 or COI. (1)
PPT 193. Pulp and Paper Plant Design (3). Computations of material balances, energy balances, power requirement, equipment balancing, cost and profitability estimation. 5 hrs (2 class, 3 comp). PR. ChE 32, ChE 41 and ChE 165. (2)
PPT 199. Undergraduate Seminar (1). 1 hr (class). PR. Senior standing. (1,2)
PPT 200. Undergraduate Thesis (6). (1,2,S)
PPT 200a. Practicum (6). (1,2,S)
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Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm
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