Office of the Dean
A world-class leader in the education, science and responsible management of tropical forests, natural resources and the environment.
Developing globally competitive and locally-adaptive human resources imbued with technical, social and moral competencies for forestry, natural resources and environmental management.
Pioneering knowledge generation and innovative enterprise management and technologies through research and development programs and policy initiatives that increase natural productivity, strengthen cultural values, enhance ecosystem services, and respond to national issues and imperatives.
Empowering people, institutions and communities for sustainable forests, natural resources and environmental development and governance towards a better quality of life.
Strengthening institutional capability and enhancing public appreciation of the role of forestry in environmental protection and national development.

Office of the Coordinator for Research, Extension and Linkages

Organizational Structure
Office of the
College Secretary
Office of the
Coordinator for Instruction
Forestry Development
Center (FDC)
Training Center for Tropical
Resources and Ecosystems
Sustainability (TREES)
Institute of Agroforestry
Willie P. Abasolo, PhD.
Ronniel D. Manalo, MSc.
Associate Dean

Marlo D. Mendoza, MM

Analyn L. Codilan, PhD
Associate Dean
Office of the Chancellor
Department of Forest
Biological Sciences
Department of
Social Forestry and
Forest Governance (DSFFG)
Department of
Forest Products and
Paper Science (DFPPS)
Office of the Dean
Institute of Renewable
Natural Resources
Makiling Center for
Mountain Ecosystems
Office of the
Coordinator for Research Extension and Linkages
Units under the Office of the Dean
Administrative and Technical Services
Previously known as Administrative Services Unit, the Administrative and Technical Services is now part of the Office of the Dean.
It caters to the various needs of the College ranging from human resource development, information technology, financial management, campus planning and development and
records management to supply and
property management.
Head: Engr. Teodulfo S. Delgado

Office of the Coordinator for Research, Extension and Linkages
The creation of the Office of the Coordinator for Research and Extension (OCRE) in 1996 started as an offshoot of the proposed reorganizational structuring of the then College of Forestry (CF). The establishment of OCRE is envisioned to facilitate coordination and integration of all CF research and extension activities to promote synergism among different units of the College.
Being an adjunct office to the Office of the Dean, the staff and
R & E coordinator are directly responsible to the Dean.
With the reorganization of the CF into the College of Forestry and Natural Resources (CFNR) in 1998, research and extension is now being coordinated at the Dean’s level through the Office of the Coordinator for Research, Extension and Linkages (OCREL). OCREL is the key unit of research and extension data for the CFNR as envisioned by the current administration.

Challenged by the limited resources, equipment, and number of staff, OCREL continues to work beyond what is necessary to fulfill its mandated function. OCREL is housed at the ground floor of the Dean Florencio R. Tamesis Hall, CFNR, UPLB.
Coordinator: Tomas D. Reyes, PhD